Oakwood CUSD #76
- Approved Consent Agenda: Minutes, Bills, Imprest & Activity Funds, Treasurer Report
- Mr. Russ Leigh provided the FY20 Audit Report. We received the highest financial rating of "Recognition" (3.74 out of 4.0) status for the Illinois State Board of Education. Grade = A
- Administrative & Informational Reports provided. See website of the agenda for details.
- 1st Reading on the complete board policy review & updates for Press Online.
- Adopted the First Midstate Bond Refunding Resolution as a $464,313.07 savings to our tax payers in the year 2031.
- Next Meeting will be on December 16, 2020
- 5:15 = Levy Hearing
- 5:30 = Regular Meeting
From the Board Room to the Classroom ~ Better Together!