- Approved Consent Agenda: Minutes, Bills, Imprest & Activity Funds, Treasurer Report, Affirmed Resignation of Joe Hayworth (OHS English Teacher)
- Administrative & Informational Reports provided. See website of the agenda for details.
- Adopted the Board Press Plus Policy Online Updates.
- Approved the voluntary transfer of Amy Mackiewicz to the 10 month secretary position at OGS for next year.
- Approved the Midwest Bus Transit renewal extension for the next two years.
- Discussion of the following reopening plan presented by Superintendent Maynard:
- Recommendation to reopen our schools to all students Monday through Friday for all students and no longer have a remote day on Wednesday. This will include a start time of 8am and dismissal of 1:40/1:50 pm with the following slow entry plan; March 1st: Oakwood Grade School will reopen to all students. March 8th: Oakwood Junior High School will reopen to all students. March 15th: Oakwood High School will reopen to all students.
- According to CDC guidelines, families still have the choice to have their child in a fully remote situation for the next 100 days. We will continue to adhere to the guidelines of self certifying, temperature taking, mask wearing, hand washing, and social distancing, where possible.
- This recommendation will be voted on at the school board's request at the February 17th board meeting.
- Next Meeting will be on February 17, 2021
From the Board Room to the Classroom ~ Better Together!