- Guest-Kristin Dunker. Vermilion Association for Special Education Director report.
- Guest-Rachele Waible, CDS Office Technologies
- Public Comment & Communications regarding the transition to more in-person learning.
- Mr. Kyle Snyders - Teacher
- Mrs. Kendra Kinney - Parent
- Approved Consent Agenda
- No OCEF Report
- No OEA Report
- Administrative & Informational Reports provided. See website of the agenda for details.
- Closed Session - for the purpose of collective negotiation matters between the school board and its employees or their Oakwood Education Association representatives.
- Adopted the two-year village agreement for the Student Resource Officer.
- Adopted the District employee seniority list.
- Adopted the 2021-22 Vermilion County Calendar.
- Approved the Academic 4th Quarter Educational Plan
- The district continues to extend the 10 days COVID leave for any staff member (employee) impacted through COVID-related circumstances of quarantine and/or isolation as we have done in the 3rd quarter.
- To return all students of the current “purple” and “white” groups together to in-person learning for all three buildings on March 15, 2021. Student Attendance day hours of 8 am to 1:40/1:50 (OGS), Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Wednesdays will continue to be Remote Learning Days.
- “The Oakwood Community Unit School District #76 board of education through their action tonight has directed the Superintendent to return all students of the current “purple” and “white” groups together to in-person learning for all three buildings on March 15, 2021. Student Attendance day hours of 8 am to 1:40/1:50 (OGS), Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Wednesdays will continue to be Remote Learning Days. This includes the continuation of following the IDPH guidelines. We will continue to work with the Oakwood Education Association and Parents to ensure safety for all and doing what is in the best interest for our students.”
- Thank you to the 24 guests that joined the meeting and viewed the meeting remotely.
- Next Meeting will be on March 17, 2021
From the Board Room to the Classroom ~ Better Together!