Due to a shortage of bus drivers, students who ride Bus 4 and Bus 14 may be delayed in drop off and pick up by several minutes for the rest of this week. We are working to keep pick up and drop off times as close to normal as possible. If you have any questions, you may call the District Office at 217-446-6081.

Wednesday, March 5th, is a Half-Day Early Dismissal Day. Oakwood High School will dismiss at 11:30 AM, while Oakwood Grade School will dismiss at 11:40 AM.

Parent/Teacher Conferences for March 12th and March 13th are now available to be scheduled. Please see the following page to access scheduling: https://www.oakwood76.org/page/parent-teacher-conference-information

All Oakwood Schools will be dismissing at 1 PM today, Wednesday, February 12th, due to incoming inclement weather. This dismissal will be after students have been served lunch.

Wednesday, February 5th is a Half Day Teacher Inservice Day. Oakwood High School dismisses at 11:30 AM, while Oakwood Grade School dismisses at 11:40 AM.

Due to forecasted bitter cold temperatures, Tuesday, January 21st will be an E Learning day for all Oakwood Schools.

Thursday, December 19th and Friday December 20th are Early Dismissal Days. On both days, Oakwood High School dismisses at 1:40 PM while Oakwood Grade School dismisses at 1:50 PM. School resumes after Holiday Break on Tuesday, January 7th. Merry Christmas!

Wednesday , December 4th is a Half-Day Inservice day. Oakwood High School dismisses at 11:30 AM while Oakwood Grade School Dismisses at 11:40 AM. Thank You!

Wednesday, October 23rd and Thursday, October 24th are Early Dismissal Days. Oakwood High School will dismiss at 1:40 PM while Oakwood Grade School will dismiss at 1:50 PM. There is no student attendance on Friday, October 25th. Have a great week!

Fall 2024 Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday, October 23rd and Thursday, October 24th from 4 PM - 7 PM. Sign ups are now available. Please click the following link to select your student's school to sign up for a conference. https://www.oakwood76.org/page/parent-teacher-conference-information

Friday, October 4th is an Early Dismissal Day. Oakwood High School dismisses at 1:40 PM while Oakwood Grade School dismisses at 1:50 PM. The Homecoming Parade begins in Oakwood at 3:30 PM. The Homecoming Football game kicks off at 7 PM.

We have extended online registration. Please register your student with online registration no later than August 5th. If your student has not been registered using online registration by August 5th, you must call your school building to set an appointment with staff to register your student in person. Any student who has not been registered or is missing the required information will not be able to attend school on day 1.

Oakwood CUSD 76 has moved to online registration through TeacherEase for the upcoming 24-25 School Year.
To register, please log into:
Please use the email address that the school district has on file for you.
If you do not remember your password, there is a “forgot password” link you can use to reset it.
We are also holding Registration in person where a school district employee can help you with this process. Please use the following link to sign up for a time slot if you need assistance.
The in-person registration dates are as follows:
Friday, August 2, 2024, from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Monday, August 5, 2024, from 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM

The Gary Ludwig Memorial Golf Outing will take place on Friday, June 7th, 2024, at Danville Country Club. As of right now, there are openings for the morning session. The cost is $100 per person which includes lunch and people are putting together teams of four. The proceeds are split between the Oakwood Men's Club and the Oakwood HS Athletic/Booster Club

Next week is the last week of the 23-24 School Year. Monday, May 20th and Tuesday, May 21st are both Early Dismissal Days. Oakwood High School dismisses at 1:40 PM while Oakwood Grade School dismisses at 1:50 PM. The Last Day of School is Wednesday, May 22nd. This is a Half Day School Improvement Day. Oakwood High School dismisses at 11:30 AM while Oakwood Grade School dismisses at 11:40 AM. Have a great summer!

It's the last day for Seniors and we've been enjoying the Senior Picnic. Thank you Mr. Mandrell and Mr. Steele for grilling out. Thank you to Juice for getting all of the supplies and making this happen!
Games, grilling, desserts, and memories!

Celebrating our 7th and 8th Grade students at this year's OGS HONORS CEREMONY. Go Comets, we are proud of you!

Celebrating our 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students at this year's Honors Ceremony at OGS. Way to go Comets!

Congratulations to our OAKWOOD GRADE SCHOOL track and field team, and coaches! We are proud of you! GO COMETS!

May 8, 2024, is School Nurse Appreciation Day and we have two of the best in Meagan Zindars and Sarah Brown! Thank you for all you do to care for our students and staff of Oakwood Schools.